When Was The Last Time You Ate Together?
I am willing to go on record saying that as my kids get older, all of their activities and friends tend to take away from the “family” aspect of our family. That is not to say that we aren’t always there for each other under all circumstances, but it just seems more difficult to be the family that is defined in the dictionary.
Yesterday, we actually sat down at the kitchen table and had a fantastic meal (yes, I cooked it myself and did not order in) and it was unusual. It had been a while since all four of us (my son, two daughters, and I) had sat down for a real meal. All to often it is a drive-through or delivery from the local pizza or Chinese joint. Many times, the schedules (part time jobs, activities, school, etc) interfere and we end up being on our own for dinner. It makes me kind of sad and I am not sure what to do. I enjoyed last night–we talked and laughed and had a great time. I miss it.
But I also know that once school is back in full swing, and the demands of employers (two of my kids are working part time) come back, we will be back on the fractured dining plan.
Do you eat dinner with your kids every night? Maybe it is easier with one or two–I find three to be nearly impossible. How do you keep it all together? Aside from last night, when was the last time you ate together?
it’s very hard to do if not utterly impossible when the family is not complete with each on carring his or her share of the rrsponsibility. you can only do but so much, so do find that you only do as you are able to do