Is Rebecca Black Really That Bad?
Maybe I am in a contrarian mood lately (see my Charlie Sheen post) but with all of the brouhaha surrounding Rebecca Black and her “Friday” video, I have to say, it is not that bad.
OK, she is no Madonna and it is overly autotuned. But despite what the critics say, for a 15 year old, it is not that bad. And let’s face it, there are very few with the talent of Madonna and who can now sing without an autotune. You do know who I am talking about right?
Hey, the kid did something she wanted, has received her 15 minutes of fame and is quite likely financially set up for a long time.* I do not begrudge anyone, but I do feel sorry that in a world full of bullying, this girl is subject to some of the nastiness that has been said in the general media and in comments.
What do you think? Like her or leave her? Leave a comment!
* I read that with 43 million views (currently) that she will net about $30,000 after giving the studio who produced the video their cut. This is for the ad revenue from Google alone. And while iTunes does not release sales data, the song was in the Top 100 for the past week, so can we assume maybe 2 million downloads. At 70 cents per download to the artist , that is a cool $1.4 million–and of course the cut to the producer. But all in all, she is doing well! Maybe I need to get my kids singing!
Its not that bad. People are just hating like crazy on her. I never saw the reason to rip on her. Its kind of a childish song, but i mean its not THAT bad.